Vard 3 340 Wins Boat of the Year!

WorkBoat Show Awards Ceremony 2017, five men including Bill Lind, VP Vard Marine Houston standing in front of Significant Boats of 2017 Awards Breakfast red banner

WorkBoat Magazine has named the Vard 3 340, the Harvey Sub-Sea/Harvey Blue-Sea, its Boat of the Year. Competing against nine other significant vessels in the industry, the announcement was made during an awards ceremony at the International Workboat Show on 30 November 2017. The Vard 3 340 was custom-tailored and designed for owner Harvey Gulf International Marine and built at Eastern Shipbuilding Group. The vessels are 340’x73’ multipurpose supply vessels (MPSVs), with nearly 6,000 –dwt and will provide deep-water subsea support in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.